AMTech: Shoreline Retoration

Shoreline Restoration

Shoreline restoration is an important aspect of maintaining your property in order to prevent erosion and to make your shoreline accessible, tidy, and in keeping with the local landscape.

We need to get started early in the year, as permits from the Departments of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) and the Ministry of Natural Resource (MNR) can take many weeks to be processed.

We also cannot assure you that they will be approved once they are processed. The type of stone that you plan to use on your shoreline will also need to DFO approval as the aesthetics of the lakes need to be maintained.

Most of our shoreline work is done using local natural granite fieldstone because it blends in with the local environment and serves the local fish habitat. We can use armour stone but this is usually refused unless it is replacing and existing vertical structure.

Shoreline Restoration Before 1 Shoreline Restoration After 1

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Soreline Restoration Before 2 Shoreline Restoration After 2

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